Born in 1964 in Berlin, first I went through the usual curriculum vitae of each person. Kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and training for foundry model builder.​
However, I had from the beginning a penchant for creativity, which represented not only in my drawings.
After my first marriage I ventured finally working to make the first attempts to paint pictures that emerged just in my head. The first steps I made with watercolors, which brought me to the airbrush, which then brought me to the acrylic colors in the end.
However, I found after the second marriage of the peace to deepen the whole and began to paint on larger canvases.
My Ausbilldung a media designer opened up a whole new way of image creation, but I do not quite understand in its full extent.​
Finally, my path led me to the place where I started off my conscious self while painting and to give my subconscious the opportunity to talk about the pictures.
I had my first exhibition in the gallery Camilla Lobo in early 2012.
When the action "Macht Kunst" by Deutsche Bank, I was able to establish contacts and exchange ideas with other Künstleren on.